Lending Association

End of year new car finance is here!

The end of the year is fast approaching and that new car you’ve been thinking about may be easier to acquire than you thought. If want to get the best bang for your buck, the October to December period is a great time to get the best value for your money on a new vehicle purchase.

End-of-year vehicle sales

As we near the end of the year, dealerships have increased motivation to sell cars built in that year to prepare for the new models that car manufacturers are bringing out. At this time, there is also increased motivation for them to hit sales targets before the end of the year.

The end of the year also sees a lot of discounts, cash-back offers and deferred payments, making your new vehicle purchase easier to attain. We also tend to see plate-clearance deals where dealerships discount current-year vehicles to allow more room for new stock and allow you to save more on your new car going into the new year.

Motor vehicle and equipment finance specialists

SMS Finance recently joined the LA Group of Companies, meaning we now have the ability to expand our services and offering in areas such as motor vehicle and equipment finance, which is what SMS Finance are best known for. Whether it’s a car, truck, trailer, plant & equipment, mining machinery, farm machinery, office equipment/computer system, or a specialised piece of equipment, there are a range of financing options to suit you, these include:

  • Chattel mortgage

Involves a loan that gives your financier a registered charge over your asset, but gives you ownership of the asset from day one.

  • Lease

Allows you to obtain goods without a capital outlay and then upgrade them at the end of the lease period.

  • Hire purchase

An agreement to purchase a vehicle or equipment subject to payment terms, which means you gain equity in the asset with each instalment made.

Contact us!

Our team of commercial and equipment finance experts can tailor a financial solution that will help you get your new purchase before the end of the year.